
As each passing year nears the end I start realizing how I haven't stuck with any of my resolutions and how much I have failed myself during the year. It is really depressing to think about actually. My resolutions usually are a list of things that I want to fix about myself. Most of which have been the same things from year to year. Work out. Eat healthier. Get more organized. Blah. Blah. Blah.

This year was different. Something about being a momma of two changed my perspective immensely. This year I am not making a resolution. Not one. I am however making one goal for myself. This will be the year that I cut myself some slack. The year that I am not so hard on myself.

I am a planner. I am a perfectionist. I set very high standards for myself and I don't do well with failure. I have found that I can sometimes almost cripple myself out of just the mere thought of failure. There are so many things that I have wanted to do for so long that I never even started because it may not turn out perfect. And I am tired of being stuck and scared.

Since becoming a mom, especially of two under two, I know that life is messy. Things don't always turn out how you expect them to. Basically never actually. And as I have learned to accept that for others, I have realized that I need to accept that for myself. This year may not turn out how I plan or how I expect, but that's ok.

I want to look back on my year next January and be proud of myself for the risks that I took and the mistakes that I made. Knowing that I was finally brave enough to let myself take the chances to be the best me possible.

Are you with me? What will be your anti-resolution?

xo, Britt

Oh Hey There, Sophie

Well we are officially a family of four. We welcomed little (or not so little rather) Sophie at 7:44am. She weighed in at 9lbs 10oz and 21in long.


Mr. Noah isn't too sure about mommy being hooked up to so many cords or about Sophie in general, but all of it sure tuckered him out. 


There will be many more photos to come, but goodnight for now. xo, Britt

Big Brother Prep

Though Noah has no idea what's about to happen to him, I've been t​tying to get as much time in with his as possible. Even if it's as simple as us hanging out in the dollar section of Target sipping on our ice​e, I cherish our one-on-one time. 


​Sotoday I figured I'd just share a few of the photos that I've captured recently of mommy and daddy and Noah :)


Hopefully Noah will soon be ready to fulfill his big brother duties :) But for now we'll just watch some Peppa Pig and relax together. xo, Britt

What's In the Bag?

When I hit 30 weeks it really set in that I was getting really close to the point when I had Noah. Little Noah's birth was a early surprise for everyone, I hadn't even packed a bag yet. I literally had nothing. I hadn't even had time to really think about it. So I decided to go all out on my bag this time :) 

First there is the bag: I really wanted to get a cute bag to have my stuff in, but I also wanted a bag that I could keep using for Noah and Sophie's stuff after we get out of the hospital. I bought this one at Target. I got lucky because I happened to catch it on sale at the store. 


For me:
-Normal toiletries
-Hair tie
-Face wipes
-Lip Balm
-Going home outfit
-Plus a few other random items


For Sophie:
-Swaddle blanket
-Going home outfit (gown + headband)
-Binki (here)
-Extra outfit
-Nail clippers


When I had Noah the situation was very unique so my hospital was much different than the "normal" stay. So this time around I am sure there are things that I have that I don't really need (but will be nice to have for just in case) and there are probably plenty of things that I will need that I don't have. But I am excited to have at least something to start with. :) And don't worry, I have something for Noah, daddy, and aunt Skylar that I will share later. Can't leave them out. xo, Britt

Versona Accessories

Last Thursday Versona  opened a brand new store in Olathe, Kansas. Thanks to some amazing people at Versona we had the opportunity of receiving a gift card to buy some of their accessories at their new location. This was our first visit to a Versona store and we LOVED it! They have so many gorgeous accessories, from jewelry and scarves to bags and clothes. The best part is the prices. The prices are very reasonable so you don't have to feel like you're breaking the bank to buy something for yourself. 

Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.

We had a fun time looking through all the amazing stuff. It was so hard to choose just a few things to buy because we just wanted it all! 

Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.

After looking everything over at least three times, we decided it was time to just choose our favorites. This was not any easy task. But after some contemplating we decided on a pair of earrings, a set of rings, and a necklace. 

Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.

We love our new jewelry, but we were sad we couldn't just have it all! :) And of course we will be going back soon to get more. We already have a list of things we want to go back and get. Here is some of our favorites we couldn't bring home this time:

Britt's Faves:

Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.

Sky's Faves:

Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.
Versona Accessories. Click through for more.

We also have an extra gift card that we want one of you to have! Later today we will be giving away a $25 Versona gift card with  one of our clutches. Come back here today at noon for more details on how to enter! xoxo, Britt  + Sky