Blog Celebrations + Big News

We have been planning to have a fun get-together to celebrate all of our accomplishments for our blog and shop so far. We are still small but we have big things happening, including getting some of our products into a local store! (more details to come on that in a few weeks)

Plus we had some super cute disposable plates, bowls, and cutlery from our new favorite brand Cheeky! So basically we had everything we needed to throw a pretty fun party! All we needed to add was people and food.

We had some family over and made some really good tacos! We ate and enjoyed each others company. No party is complete without cake, so we had a delicious naked confetti cake! It was SO good!


Then we shared some other REALLY BIG News!


That's right! Baby W number 2 is on the way! And there are so many posts to come about that but we are so happy we can finally tell someone :) We passed out these fun little cards and had them open them at the same time! We loved seeing everyone's reactions.

 Happy Monday lovelies! xoxo, Britt + Sky