DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger

We really liked our DIY fall door hanger, but we love Christmas so we could not wait to get our new one up!! 

It's awesome being able to see this fun banner on the front door when we get home!  

DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)

Here's what you need:

  • canvas
  • scissors 
  • hotglue gun
  • decorative edging
  • paint
  • paintbrush
  • freezer paper
  • iron
  • x-acto

After cutting out the shape we wanted, we used the hot glue gun to attach the decorative edging. 

DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)

Then we put hot glue along the top of the canvas and folded about an inch over the dowel rod. 

DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)
DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)

Next we printed out "Merry + Bright" on freezer paper. Then we cut out all of the letters with an x-acto. 

DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)
DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)

We used our iron to adhere the wax paper to the canvas. Then filled in the letters with paint. 

DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)

After it dried, we hung it on our door and have been enjoying it ever since!!

DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)
DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)
DIY Merry + Bright Door Hanger (click through for the tutorial)

We love our festive door hanger and we hope you do to! It is a fun and simple way to decorate for the holidays. Not to mention its budget friendly as well. 

Happy Tuesday lovelies!


Britt + Sky

Painted Placemats

I bought these placemats and thought it would be fun to decorate them. I decided to have a little fun and make the mats watermelon and donuts!

Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts

Here's what you need:

  • Plain circle placemats. (however many you want or need)
  • Paint:
    • Donuts: tan, brown, black, pink, and blue.
    • Watermelons: green, pink, and black.

Here's what we did:


  1. Paint a few inches around the edge of the placemat, as the rind. We used green paint.
  2. Use a large circle object to trace to make the inside of the watermelon.
  3. Paint the inside of the watermelon. We used dark pink.
  4. Add seeds in black.
  5. Lastly spray with clear coat to prevent the paint from coming off.
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts


  1. Paint a few inches around the edge of the placemat and the inner circle. We used tan paint.
  2. Paint the inner circle of your donut. We used black for this.
  3. Paint your icing. Making a curvy line around the outside edge and the inside edge of your donut.
  4. Add sprinkles. We used light pink and blue.
  5. Lastly spray with clear coat to prevent the paint from coming off.
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts
Watermelon and Donut Placemats || from myonlysunshineblog #placemats #diy #fruit #watermelon #donuts

You could paint different foods on your mats or even use different shaped mats. These mats are cute, fun, and great for kids to use. xo Britt

Want s'more?

As much as we've already told you we love donuts, we love s'mores just as much! So in honor of National S'mores Day (8/10), we decided to bring you an awesome combo of those two things!

Delicious s'more donuts recipe || from myonlysunshineblog

We started off using this recipe that we recently found to make our chocolate donuts.

We have a donut pan that we put our batter into. (If you prefer to make the donut holes you can just use a mini muffin pan, like it lists on the recipe.) To make it easy we spooned our batter into a gallon plastic baggie and cut off one corner to squeeze the batter into the pan. This gives you better control of how much goes into the pan and helps keep the batter smooth in the pan.

Once we our donuts cooling on the rack, we started on our marshmallow glaze.

  • 2 cups of regular sized marshmallows
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 cup of powdered sugar

Melt these ingredients together in a sauce pan stirring often so they don't burn. After they melt and you have mixed them together well, take the pan off of the burner to cool. Once it has cooled a little, you can start dipping your donuts in the glaze. Place them on the back on the cooling rack and sprinkle them with crushed graham crackers. Then of course, make you a cup of milk, and eat up!! :)


We hope you love the recipe! Let us know how you are going to celebrate National S'mores Day! Take a photo on instagram and be sure to tag us. xo,  Britt + Sky