My Thrifty Cloche + Styled Nightstand

I have really been wanting to style my nightstand lately. I have been tired of it just being a catch-all for all of my random junk that I carry into my room. So when I found this cloche, at the thrift store for $1 might I add, I knew that I wanted to come up with a fun way to use it.

My Only Sunshine || Cloche Revamp

I liked the wooden base of the cloche, but the knob on top was pretty worn. So to add a little something, I used some gold metallic paint that I had. I decided that it would be really fun and colorful if I used it to show off my eos obsession. I think its safe to say that I have a problem, especially if you know that it wouldn't hold all of them that I have. :) I know, I know, I need help.

My Only Sunshine || Cloche Revamp

Using the cloche, my "evergreen" plant that I got from IKEA (these are the only plants that I can actually keep alive, plant + pot) and my lamp, that I already had on my nightstand, I now have a cute and simple styled nightstand. I also love this nightstand, that also came from IKEA (here), because it has the great shelf where I keep my iPad and my books, keeping them off the top.

My Only Sunshine || Cloche Revamp
My Only Sunshine || Cloche Revamp

Now I just have to style Jake's side and we will have some good looking nightstands. :)

Happy Monday!
