Cozy Coupe Carwash

If you are anything like me, you make these really cool plans that you think are freakin' awesome and your kids are going to love, and then they fail. Ha! Either they hate them or things just don't work out as planned. You know what I am talking about. For the first time, my plan started out as a fail, but ended up being a success! Plus it was so much fun for the whole family.

I had this brilliant plan! Noah loves the water and he is always helping me clean off his highchair tray, so I had this awesome idea for us to have a cozy coupe car wash. His coupe and van really needed cleaned and I thought it would be so adorable to see a mini human washing his car! So I get everything all set up, I get Noah outside and I get our little sponges all suddsed up. I spray down the coupe and the van all hosed down and am showing him how to wash it and all he wants to do is sit in the cars.


So for a while it was just me cleaning his cars while he sat in them. :) It was fun, but I was so happy when Jake was able get Noah to help to. And surprisingly I was able to get photos of him while he was cleaning! Ha! It was seriously so much fun for all three of us.


We got his coupe and his van all clean and played in the water for a long time! It was nice to have a fun plan that I came up with for us to actually work out. It doesn't happen often but it sure feels good when it does. :) xo, Britt