House Number Pumpkin + Repurposed Plant Stand for Fall

At a garage sale a while back, we spotted a plant stand for a quarter. It was older and not in the best shape but we decided that it would be worth a try to clean it up, fix it up, and find a fun use for it. It will be fun to find a new use for it with the changing seasons and holidays.

House Number Pumpkin + Repurposed Plant Stand for Fall. Click through for the tutorial.

Our official use for fall, is going to be as a stand for one of our (many) pumpkins.  We thought that it would be a nice touch to sit right outside the front door and be a fun little display of sorts. And we even found and bought the perfect pumpkin for it :)

House Number Pumpkin + Repurposed Plant Stand for Fall. Click through for the tutorial.

Here's what you need:


  • plant stand (this could also be a new one that you find, we just love our bargain shopping ... ha!)
  • spray paint


  • carving tool (ours is a speedball tool like this)
  • cardstock
  • x-acto knife
  • tacks (we used furniture tacks, but just regular thumb tacks would do the trick)
  • paint + paintbrush (optional)


Here's what we did:

1. Because our plant stand was old and needed a little work, we had to take all of the crumbly plastic off of the metal frame. This was the most time consuming part and the biggest mess.

2. We cleaned up the old metal with a damp paper towel.

3. Put a piece of poster board out in the yard, and sprayed away. :)


House Number Pumpkin + Repurposed Plant Stand for Fall. Click through for the tutorial.

As for this AMAZING (we may be a little bias) pumpkin:

  1. We printed out the numbers that we needed.
  2. We carefully cut them out, and centered the paper on the pumpkin as a template to trace.
  3. Then using our carving tool, we carefully dug out the numbers.
  4. A random package of furniture embellishing tacks had been in our craft room for a really long time, so we decided to put them to use. We left them in the backing cardboard and dry-brushed them with a light blue paint.
  5. After they were dry and our pumpkin was ready for the tacks. We just eyeballed the distance between them and made staggered lines that followed the lines of the pumpkin.
House Number Pumpkin + Repurposed Plant Stand for Fall. Click through for the tutorial.

We think this project turned out so great! What do you guys think?



Britt + Sky