Mommy Files: Tips for staying sane as a work-at-home mom

Being a work-at-home mom has proven to be the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I have ever taken on. Some days are harder than others, but in the time that I have been doing this I have learned a few key things that help me stay a happy momma, for the most part :)

Mommy Files: How I Stay Sane As A Work-At-Home Mom | My Only Sunshine

1. Embrace the chaos.
I used to be a perfectionist. Well I still am, but it's different. Being a mom of two under two it can be hard to get stuff done. If I manage to actually get it done it's most likely not going to be how I was picturing it. I have learned that's ok.It's really freeing actually. It feels good to not get freaked out by things that I would have been all bent out of shape for in the past.


2. Put on real pants.
There are plenty of days that I don't have time to change out of the clothes I slept in. It happens more than I'd like to admit. But the days that I feel most accomplished are days that I take a second to put on real pants. Even if I didn't get a chance to shower before the kids woke up, it feels good to have on real clothes. I know it's silly, but I swear it helps.


3. Ask for help.
It wasn't until I had Sophie that I realized the importance of asking for help. When it was just Noah, I basically refused to ask for help. I don't really know why. I can't explain it. I just was not an option in my mind. 
But then comes miss Sophie. I am taking care of a baby and a toddler. I am SO TIRED. It still took my mom asking me if I needed help to admit that I did. But she took the kids for the night. And I got to sleep. IT WAS AMAZING. Maybe it was because my brain had enough sleep to actually function properly, but I realized that I needed help. And it was ok for me to need help and ask for it. 
There are days that I just can't get work done unless I have help. I have learned to embrace the awesome family members that I have around me that are available and willing to help when I need them.

4. Go on adventures.
Get out of the house! It's important for everyone's sanity. Days go so much better when Noah and I get out of the house and run off some energy. Let me rephrase that. When Noah runs off energy and I watch him. Hahaha! :) It can be going to the park, or the zoo, or just going out to my grandparents land to just run around, its necessary.


5. Making a schedule (sort of)
Creating a schedule does not mean that we are going to come anywhere near following it. Blame it on the list maker in me, but something feels good about having a list of guidelines to try to mold my day around. There are days that we disregard the list completely, but it still feels good knowing that I have a goal for each day. 

6. Activities.
If I have to get work done while Noah is awake, activities are a necessity. I put him in his highchair and pull out the box. I have a collection of things for him to work on or play with that are specifically for activity time. The activities vary from coloring books, to blocks, to different sensory and sorting activities. Having this basked of goodies makes it possible to get work done when necessary. Its pretty great!  


This work-at-home momma thing can be rough. There are some days that I feel totally defeated. And there have been days that my husband comes home and I burst into tears. Those days are few and far between, but they don't even begin to compare to the other days. I am beyond blessed to be able to stay at home with my mini crazies. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Hopefully this little bit of information will be helpful to another momma thats works at home. Or it may just give you a little insight into how I attempt to stay sane on the daily :) xo, Britt

Tour: Sophie's Nursery

So Sophie's nursery ... when she was first born, Skylar still lived with us and stayed in our second bedroom, and Sophie lived in our room. When Skylar moved out in December to head off to school (let's not talk about it, it's still a sensitive subject) we moved Sophie to her own room. I was so excited to decorate, I finished her room in about 2 days. There were a few things that I still needed to figure out, but for the most part it was done. 

After dragging my feet about posting until it was absolutely perfect (I have issues, but we can discuss that another day) I decided it was time. Plus my friend Danielle wouldn't stop bugging me about it! hahaha :) So I am so pumped to finally be sharing this with you all today!

Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine

There are so many things about her room that I absolutely love! Be sure to comment with your favorites! xo, Britt

Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine
Tour: Sophie's Nursery | my only sunshine

Small Business Share: KC Threads

Shopping small can be hard. I have really made an effort to support small businesses, but things do tend to cost more money, and I don't always have more money. But from the things that I have bought from small or local shops, I LOVE. And they have been totally worth it. 

One way that I know I can support the businesses that I love is by sharing them with you. I decided that I want to start sharing my favorite local or small business with you every so often. To share their story and why I love them so much. 

Today I am sharing a Kansas City local shop, KC Threads

Small Business Share: KC Threads | my only sunshine

KC Threads is a t-shirt shop that is all about giving back. "The concept is simple, giving back is cool, and you can make a difference!" Shirts purchased from them can be donated back within a year of your purchase to be donated to a child that needs it. You and your child can also donate items from a list on the site to be given to other children as well. It is such an awesome concept! Not only does your child get to enjoy the shirt but they get to give back to others in the community. (read more about the concept here

Here are a few of the items that can be donated:

  • New toys
  • Gently and clean pre-owned toys (from non-smoking homes)
  • Books
  • Coloring books
  • Crayons
  • Pictures from your kid(s)
  • Letters from your kid(s)

Noah got his shirt for Christmas and is enjoying it right now, but when the time comes we will definitely be making a donation to another child in need.

Head on over to their site to check it out! 


Small Business Share: KC Threads | my only sunshine
Small Business Share: KC Threads | my only sunshine
Small Business Share: KC Threads | my only sunshine
Small Business Share: KC Threads | my only sunshine

Noah's Second Birthday

When it comes to throwing parties, I tend to over do it. I get super stressed about all of the tiny details and I try to do way too many things. I decided I needed to keep it simple this time. 

I chose three different party theme ideas that I thought Noah would love and I lt him make a choice. I really wasn't sure which one Noah would choose. But he wanted Mickey Mouse, so that's what we went with. 

Here are a few highlights from the party: 


Sophie had a little too much fun :) 


And here's Noah cheesin' in his Mickey hat.  


Happy Tuesday lovelies! xo, Britt