
As each passing year nears the end I start realizing how I haven't stuck with any of my resolutions and how much I have failed myself during the year. It is really depressing to think about actually. My resolutions usually are a list of things that I want to fix about myself. Most of which have been the same things from year to year. Work out. Eat healthier. Get more organized. Blah. Blah. Blah.

This year was different. Something about being a momma of two changed my perspective immensely. This year I am not making a resolution. Not one. I am however making one goal for myself. This will be the year that I cut myself some slack. The year that I am not so hard on myself.

I am a planner. I am a perfectionist. I set very high standards for myself and I don't do well with failure. I have found that I can sometimes almost cripple myself out of just the mere thought of failure. There are so many things that I have wanted to do for so long that I never even started because it may not turn out perfect. And I am tired of being stuck and scared.

Since becoming a mom, especially of two under two, I know that life is messy. Things don't always turn out how you expect them to. Basically never actually. And as I have learned to accept that for others, I have realized that I need to accept that for myself. This year may not turn out how I plan or how I expect, but that's ok.

I want to look back on my year next January and be proud of myself for the risks that I took and the mistakes that I made. Knowing that I was finally brave enough to let myself take the chances to be the best me possible.

Are you with me? What will be your anti-resolution?

xo, Britt

Last Minute DIY Gift Ideas

It is really hard to believe that Christmas is almost here! Like just a few days! If you are like me you have the best intentions of getting all of your gifts bought or made way before now. But there are always a few people that you struggle with finding the perfect gift and you still don't have anything. Have no fear. I have put together my favorite easy DIY ideas from our archives to help get you into gear.

1. DIY Simple Personalized Gifts

I hope these DIY ideas help you finish up your gifts. Only a few days left. No pressure :) xo, Britt

Sneak Peek

I have started working on Sophie's nursery and I am loving everything about it! I can't wait to be able share the finished product, but for now I leave you with this little glimpse. 


Happy hump day! xo, Britt

Last Minute Thanksgiving Ideas

Need a few last minute ideas for your Thanksgiving celebrations? Here are a few fun options for you from our archives. Click on the photos to get the instructions for each.

1. DIY Printable Thankful Garland

2. Thanksgiving MadLib

3. DIY Thanksgiving Placesetting Ideas

Happy Tuesday! xoxo, Britt + Sky

Happy Birthday Sky!

Welp today is my crazy little sisters birthday!  😂 So I am sharing some fun photos from her party we had this weekend. 


Sky is quite a gem so that's just the party that I put together for her.  


It's awesome when you get lucky enough to have a sister that is also your best friend. She is there to eat junk food with, to make me laugh until I cry, take my babies for a bit when I need a break, and go on adventures with. She is always there for me and my crazy little family. I couldn't ask for a better sister. Happy birthday Sky! xo, Britt