Party Prepping

We know it's been a little quiet around here this week so we just wanted to let you know what we have going on. We have a party coming up on Saturday so we are hard at work. Here's a little sneak peek at what we've been working on the last couple days. 


You'll just have to wait until Monday to get see the rest :) xoxo, Britt + Sky

Natural Beauty

Recently Brittnee has been super obsessed with having plants in the house (mostly ones that are difficult to kill). And her obsession is starting to rub off one me. I started off with buying this cute little plant from IKEA.  

Natural Beauty. Click through for more.

I loved it because it reminded me of an octopus. And after this purchase I couldn't help but fall in love with plants and such natural beauties. Every time I went to the store I wanted to buy a new plant for my room, but I couldnt decide which one to get. 

We recently went to IKEA again and I finally found a plant I knew I had to have. I loved the colors and new it would make my room a happier and brighter place. 


Natural Beauty. Click through for more.
Natural Beauty. Click through for more.

Natural beauties can be found in a lot of places. I recently noticed something beautiful growing on our fence. We have no idea where they came from but they are gorgeous and there are quite a bit of them. So I brought one inside for my "collection." :) 

Natural Beauty. Click through for more.
Natural Beauty. Click through for more.

There are so many natural things that can be beautiful. And these things are a great way to brighten your day/ life.  

Natural Beauty. Click through for more.

Try adding a few natural beauties to your day or home and see how much a few plants/ flowers can change your mood.:) I know I can't wait to find my next "natural beauty." xo, Sky

Noah's Baby Book: First Three Months

Last Mother's Day I had this brilliant idea. I would make little project life scrapbooks for my mom and mother-in-law of Noah. I could just keep adding pages as he got older and this would be a gift that would just keep evolving and getting full of pictures of my sweet little man. So it was great. The first three months were ready when I gave it to them. Well guess how many are done now. Oh yeah... three months. It's terrible. I have all of the photos printed and I have all of the stickers and paper that I need. But my little man is fifteen months old now and I haven't even finished half of his first year.


I follow A Beautiful Mess and they started scrapbook Sunday's awhile back. That got me thinking. I could scrapbook one day a week and get myself caught up with their scrapbooks and then finally work on my own. So that is my goal. I am not going to give myself a certain day or anything. But I just want to make it a habit of having one day that I sit down for even an hour and just work on putting it together. So in order to keep me accountable, I plan to post my new pages weekly with you. 


Happy Wednesday lovelies! xo, Britt

Change is Good

Hey there! I am sure you were probably wondering what the heck was going on when we just up and disappeared for two weeks. I mean we are always busy, but it takes some crazy stuff to keep us from blogging for two whole weeks. Today I am going to fill you in a little. Be prepared for a novel :)

1. Before having Noah, I never thought that I would want to be a stay-at-home mom. I thought it would be tough to go back to work, but I would do it and we'd get in a rhythm and it would be fine. About two months after having him I started freaking out about having to leave him. Like bad freaking out (Jake can attest). I still had a month left of maternity leave and I was already a hot mess. Once I went back it was terrible. I pretty much cried daily on my way to work. And its not that I hated work, I just didn't want to leave my little monster. 

Many other moms reassured me that it was a phase and I would get passed it once some time went by. I also got told how lucky I was that I didn't have to leave him with a stranger and that I should be thankful for that. And I was. Don't get me wrong. I know it would have been a whole different ballgame had I had to take Noah to stay with a random person for the day. My sister being able to live with us and watch him was such a blessing. 

A year into it and I felt the same. I think Jake thought that I would eventually give up on my dream of being a stay-at-home mom, but surprise that didn't happen. I was trying my hardest to figure out what to do. We needed me to make an income. It didn't have to be the whole thing but I needed to be something. Now please imagine me trying to figure out how to do that while being a wife, a mom, having a full-time job, and running a blog. Right! I was insane. You can say it. I totally see that now. But I was determined! Crazy mama bear determined to be exact. 

What I am getting at is, starting today I am a work-at-home mom! I have never been so excited in my life. This thing that I feel like I have been wanting for well over a year now if finally happening. Things are finally going my way and falling into place. I will be doing some part-time and freelance design jobs throughout the week while Mr. Noah is sleeping. I already have a schedule in place to work everything in. I'm a planner, what can I say. I have activities to do with Noah on certain days and other days we may go on fun adventures. All while I still get to design and blog. So basically I will be doing everything I love all at once. 


Random Side Note: Don't worry Skylar was not fired or evicted :) She will be living with us until December when she starts on her next college journey. And for now, continuing to help me out as I make this transition. 

2. Which leads me to the fact that the blog will be changing slightly. As of right now we consider our blog to be a DIY blog. Moving forward we see it becoming more of a lifestyle blog. We will definitely still be creating and posting DIYs but most of our days will be filled with posts about things we are up to. Places we go. Activities that I am trying with Noah. What its like to be a work-at-home mom. We still plan on developing great content but our focus is just shifting.

3. In other crazy news, Jake and I put our house on the market. Friday to be exact. It was a decision that had been in the back of our minds for a little while and we decided to go for it. We actually had several showings this weekend. Just picture Jake, me, Noah, and Bentley all in the car driving around while strangers are going through our house. Ha! Its a little weird for me but I am so excited. We will definitely keep you filled in once something happens but for now we're just hanging out and following Noah around cleaning up after his every move. I am hoping this is a quick process and being very optimistic. But don't worry I have Jake, who is a major pessimist, keeping me grounded :) Don't tell him I told you. 


Well I think that is probably enough information for you to digest for one day so I will leave it at that. And yes you can stress out for me. I don't mind. :) Happy Monday. xo, Britt 


The Art of Improvising

It's been almost a year since I started watching Noah. It's been a fun, interesting year to say the least. I've been around babies before but you don't really get the full experience until you are with one everyday. Although Noah is just my nephew I've had the wonderful chance to watch him grow daily. Along with this experience I've had to grow and learn to. Going from a high school student with no responsibilities to a college student taking care of a baby part time was challenging. Me and Noah have had (and still have) days where I'm pretty sure I never wanna have children and am unsure if I can handle him while keeping my sanity. But those day come and go and the good days make me realize I can't get worked up too much. I have to breathe and figure out a way to make it okay. 

Its also pretty difficult sitting at home most days and not having contact with adults for most of the day. So I had to start thinking of ways to change things up a bit, even if it means just leaving the house for an hour to go walk around a store. That little bit of time can change both mine and Noah's mood for the day. But also I have to be ready for something to go wrong or change because most of the time they do. 

For example, yesterday Noah slept late so of course so did I. Waking up late made me feel grouchy and lazy, so I knew I had to do something to make us both feel awake and like we had accomplished something. I went to our "go to activity"  and decided we'd go to the park and get some excersize. Half way through gettin us both ready I realized it was raining. Since we were almost ready I decided we couldn't just sit here and do nothing. So we improvised!

We bundled up and headed out in the rain. We ran to the store and got a special breakfast.


We walked around the store for a while, picked out what we wanted, had a conversation that I couldn't understand, and got hit on by a couple older women (Noah, not me). Then we came home and brought our breakfast to Noah's room.


We sat at his tiny table and had donuts, chocolate milk, and another conversation I still couldn't understand (While Bentley stared at our donuts. Insert heavy breathing). 


After we finished we cleaned up and made a fort. Noah loved it for a second but then I was sitting alone in his toddler bed, under this blanket fort. We ended our fun by tearing down the fort, reading, and a nap.  


The point is, the day didn't go as planned but we still made it special. When taking care of kiddos, which I'm sure a lot of you know, you can't do the same thing everyday of the week and expect to still be sane. Kids and circumstances change daily so you have to attack these changes with a positive attitude. Whether it's a little change (such as a rainy day) or a bigger problem (such as a sick child, etc) you have to just think of something on the spot and go with it.

Okay, enough rambling from me. Now enjoy these adorable pictures from our day + have a wonderful Friday! xo, Sky
