Hey there! I am sure you were probably wondering what the heck was going on when we just up and disappeared for two weeks. I mean we are always busy, but it takes some crazy stuff to keep us from blogging for two whole weeks. Today I am going to fill you in a little. Be prepared for a novel :)
1. Before having Noah, I never thought that I would want to be a stay-at-home mom. I thought it would be tough to go back to work, but I would do it and we'd get in a rhythm and it would be fine. About two months after having him I started freaking out about having to leave him. Like bad freaking out (Jake can attest). I still had a month left of maternity leave and I was already a hot mess. Once I went back it was terrible. I pretty much cried daily on my way to work. And its not that I hated work, I just didn't want to leave my little monster.
Many other moms reassured me that it was a phase and I would get passed it once some time went by. I also got told how lucky I was that I didn't have to leave him with a stranger and that I should be thankful for that. And I was. Don't get me wrong. I know it would have been a whole different ballgame had I had to take Noah to stay with a random person for the day. My sister being able to live with us and watch him was such a blessing.
A year into it and I felt the same. I think Jake thought that I would eventually give up on my dream of being a stay-at-home mom, but surprise that didn't happen. I was trying my hardest to figure out what to do. We needed me to make an income. It didn't have to be the whole thing but I needed to be something. Now please imagine me trying to figure out how to do that while being a wife, a mom, having a full-time job, and running a blog. Right! I was insane. You can say it. I totally see that now. But I was determined! Crazy mama bear determined to be exact.
What I am getting at is, starting today I am a work-at-home mom! I have never been so excited in my life. This thing that I feel like I have been wanting for well over a year now if finally happening. Things are finally going my way and falling into place. I will be doing some part-time and freelance design jobs throughout the week while Mr. Noah is sleeping. I already have a schedule in place to work everything in. I'm a planner, what can I say. I have activities to do with Noah on certain days and other days we may go on fun adventures. All while I still get to design and blog. So basically I will be doing everything I love all at once.