First Birthday Shenanigans

Here are a few photos of our fun filled day! We have lots to get done for tomorrow's party! And we are crossing our fingers that it doesn't  get snowd out! Come back next week to check it out! xoxo, Britt + Sky


The Year of Noah

It seriously has been the craziest, fastest, and absolutely best year of my life. Noah teaches me everyday that you can't plan everything and that I need to just let loose a little. He's been teaching that since the day he (surprisingly) came into the world. 

One year ago today i was at 32 weeks and I was feeling absolutely terrible. And by terrible, I mean the worst I had literally ever felt. Three days prior, my sister threw me a baby shower. By the end of it I was in tears because of the pain I was feeling. I called the hospital that night to see if they thought I should come in, but the doctor on call decided that I was probably just in pain from how the baby was situated  so I suffered through. 

Tuesday I decided that I should go into work. (I am crazy) I wasn't there a couple hours when I noticed there was blood in my urine. This FREAKED me out. I immediately called the doctor and the nurse told me that I probably had a kidney stone. She said that I could wait until my appointment that was already scheduled for the next day so of course I listened.  

Wednesday morning I woke up and got ready for my normal appointment. I went in and had to pee in a cup, like always, and I like couldn't go. I literally barely went and what I did go was almost black (sorry! so gross) The nurse asked me how I was even functioning.  She said that I had the worst urinary tract infection she had seen. 

She took my vitals and I sat and waited for my doctor to come in. When my doctor came in she told me that my blood pressure was extremely high and that I needed she needed to take me to be admitted to the hospital. After we walked from the office and the elevators were packed, she had me take two flights of stairs to the maternity ward. I called Jake on the way and told him to come to the hospital. Then I texted my mom and sister.  

They got me all checked in and in a room. Then they started running tests. They hooked me up to a ton of machines and were tracking everything. I had people stabbing me with needles and trying to take blood. It was crazy

Here is where it starts to get fuzzy. I mostly remember my mom freaking out because I was hungry and they wouldn't bring me any food. I know there was a lady doing an ultrasound on my right and my little sister was holding my left hand. The nurse came in and told me that I was much sicker than they thought and that the baby would have to be delivered for me to get better.

My eyes glazed over. I was trying to seem composed on the outside while I was going absolutely insane on the inside. I couldn't have the baby he still needed to cook for two months.  

The doctor came in and explained what needed to happen. I had developed preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. I had the most severe stage of the syndrome. Normal blood platelate count would be 150,000 my count was 24,000. I had to get a blood transfusion before the could deliver noah. And because of the situation, I had to be put under for the emergency c-section. 

Noah Earl was born at 4:06pm, wrong in at 5 lbs 2 oz and 18 3/4 inches long.  

Jake who was supposed to be able to come in the surgery room got all cleaned up and suited up. He never did actually get to come in the room though.  

I remember waking up crying in the recovery room, Jake was by my side. And he was telling me that noah was in the NICU and was being well taken care of. After I was taken back to my room where I had to stay in bed because of some of the medications I was on. I remember Jake coming in with a picture of Noah and showing me. We hadn't told anyone our name yet. In case he didn't look like a "Noah." He said I think he looks like a Noah, can I tell people now?


People came in and saw me and told me how beautiful my son was. I can't describe the pain I felt that I couldn't see him or hold him. It was seriously the hardest thing. It was the beginning of a rough three and a half weeks.


This momma was an emotional wreck. I had to stay in the hospital myself for a full week. Until they could get my blood pressure under control. Then came the days of basically living in the NICU.

When Jake went back to work he would drop me off at the hospital at 7:30am. Then we would have dinner in the cafeteria together and be back upstairs for Noah's 8:00pm feeding. Jake would make me go home and sleep for a bit and I would be back at the hospital at 2:00am for that feeding. I was exhausted to say the least. 

We got so lucky Noah was very healthy especially for our circumstances. After what felt like the longest three and a half weeks of my life, the little guy was ready to come home!


Literally ever since has flown by. I have watched his personality shine through and I am so proud to be his momma. I could never imagine a love so strong, but it's just this crazy love that comes out. I can't believe it's been a year! But I can't wait to see what Mr. Noah has in store for me this year. Hopefully less surprises. :)

Now here are a few of my favorite photos from the year (out of thousands):


xo, Britt

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Yay! It's finally December! Of course we have a lot of great Christmas ideas coming your way. So stay tuned through out this whole month so you can get lots of fun decorating ideas, recipes, and other fun projects. We LOVE Christmas and have so many amazing ideas for all of you to try. But before we get started we wanted to share our fun weekend adventure.

This weekend we went and cut down our very first real Christmas tree! Yes you read that correctly, we cut down our own tree! It was a lot of fun and we recommend it to anyone who has a tree farm near them. If you don't believe us scroll through our pictures to see, or better yet, go cut down your own! :) 

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

At the farm you get to walk through rows and rows of trees until you find the perfect one for your family! At first Noah wasn't too impressed, so he napped as we searched for a tree. 

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

After awhile of us looking and comparing the trees we deemed perfect for us, Noah finally woke up to help us decide which one to take home. After all, we all had to agree on the same tree. 

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

Finally, we all agreed on this one. It may seem silly, but it was 'the one', the perfect tree. :)

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

After we chose the tree, it was time to chop it down and take it home!

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

But don't worry, we let Jake do that part! 

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

Next we had to drag the tree up the hill to be picked up by the tractor. We even got to take a short hay ride back to the barn. Once we arrived at the barn our tree was shaken, netted, and ready to go home!

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

We took our tree home and immediately put it up. We strung popcorn and decorated the tree while enjoying Christmas music. It was a really great way to kick off this crazy month. And the real tree looks much better than any store bought tree we could have gotten. 

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

Altogether, the trip to the tree farm was worth it! We will be going back next year and recommend it for anyone who doesn't have a tree yet. Its a great weekend family event! 

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.
The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Click for more pictures.

Come back tomorrow to see our first Christmas project! This month is gonna be packed with a ton of fun Christmas ideas that we know you all can use, so don't miss out! :)

Happy December!

Britt + Sky

Inspiration Week

Yesterday we had a family day. We went to the orchard, took a cruise through the country, relaxed, made chili, and played games. We realized that days like yesterday were special. Some days, especially during the holidays, we get too busy to just take a second to relax and enjoy each others company. Since the holiday season is upon us, we wanted to take a week to give everyone the chance to take a step back before the craziness of the holidays fully sets in.

We have deemed this week "Inspiration Week." Each day we will have a new post of something you can make or do that will help you make it through the tough, crazy times. As the holiday shopping, traveling, and all around craziness begins, we often get caught up in everything. This weeks diy's, posts, and printables will give you reminders to relax, stay calm, and that everything will be and is okay! We hope everyone can take something away from this weeks uplifting posts and diys. And as the holidays begin, remember to enjoy family and not get too caught up in the craziness.

Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)
Fall inspiration. (click throught to learn more)


Britt + Sky

City Market Adventures

Every weekend we try to go to the city market to get some fresh fruits and veggies. The city market is always a fun place to spend a weekend morning at. Not only do they have the yummy, fresh food they also have many cool restaurants, fun people and vendors, talented street performers, and an all around great atmosphere. When we go we always enjoy getting delicious bengeits, iced coffee, smoothies, and fresh flowers. We also get a lot of yummy fruits and veggies for a great price! Today we have some pictures of Sunday's fun little adventure at the city market.

Here are our favorite shops at the city market:

My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures
My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures

And this is what Noah does ...

My Only Sunshine || KC City Market Adventures

Hope you had a great weekend!

Britt & Sky