A Lovely Mother's Day

I know you probably think we disappeared off the face of the earth but we are still here!! Thank you for being so patient while we are transitioning through some pretty crazy things over here. We still can't share a lot but we will fill you all in as soon as we can. We swear. Now on to Mother's Day.  

Motherhood has been the craziest and most fun thing that's ever happened to me. It's really hard to imagine how much you can love a mini human until you have one of your own. It's seriously crazy. 

It's hard. I mean you are keeping this little person alive. The one that's trying to eat literally everything, trying to put their fingers in the socket, running into everything, and is basically a crawling/walking little accident waiting to happen. It's hard. 


But it is the most rewarding thing. I love walking in the room and seeing his little face light up with excitement. I love helping him learn and grow. I love weekend snuggles. I love it all really, even the hard parts because I know it's all worth it.  

Now that I'm done getting all sappy and crying a little while I type. I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! And treated their mama really special. :) Check out a few fun photos from our Mother's Day. Hope you have a great Monday! xo, Britt
