DIY Stencil Sign

Usually when you buy a stencil you use it to trace out letters or shapes. But what happens to the left over middle pieces? Most of the time you throw them away. We don't like to be wasteful so we decided to put these scraps to use!


This diy is pretty simple. Here's what you need:

  • Stencil scraps (The middle, cut-out section of the stencil)
  • Small canvas
  • Glue
  • Paint (Optional)

Here's what you do:

  1. Choose a phrase out of your stencil scraps (we chose 'Chin up buttercup') and set the letters aside.
  2. Then, if you choose to, paint your canvas the color of your choice.
  3. Next you can paint the letters or leave them their organic color.
  4. Then simply space them out so they look appealing to you, glue them to the canvas, and viola! You now have a new sign for your home and it only took a couple minutes!

We always love simple crafts such as this one. Although it's small and barely took any of our time, it looks great as a decoration!


We would love to see your spin on this diy. And don't forget to tag us! (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram)



Britt & Sky