DIY Candles

We go through a lot of candles at our house. Last month, I am pretty sure we went through like 10 candles that we got from IKEA. There have been several cute containers that we have found and thought to ourselves that they would be perfect for a candle. SO naturally we decided that we wanted to make some of our own. 

DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)

Here's what you need:

  • wax (we used soy wax that we bought at Hobby Lobby)
  • cute container
  • measuring cup
  • essential oil
  • candle wicks
  • wick clips
  • popsicle sticks
  • tape
  • scissors
DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)

Here's what we did:

First we put the wick into the wick clip and using hot glue connected it to the bottom of the container. Then we pulled the wick tight and wrapped the excess around the popsicle stick and taped it in place. This is all to keep the wick in place. 

DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)

We sat the container to the side. Then we melted the wax chips in our measuring cup. (You don't have to do it in a measuring cup but it makes it a lot easier to pour into the container that way.) We started by putting it into the microwave for 3 minutes. Everyone's microwave is different so the times will vary. The wax just needs to be melted completely.

Once it's melted, add a few drops of your oil. Mix it all around. Then pour the your wax into the container. And then its a waiting game. We made ours before bed and they were ready by morning. 

DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)
DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)

Cut your wick and you are good to go. 

DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)

We had already bought a super cute container at Target that we wanted to make into a candle for a gift, but we ended up finding a few other containers that we thought would make cute candles and making them as well while we were at it. 

DIY Candles (click through for tutorial)

This is a super simple project and would make a great gift for anyone on your list! What container do you have that you would make a candle in? xoxo, Britt + Sky